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A New Look For a New Era

Today, we refreshed the Pocket visual branding. We have moved from to the domain to reflect this change.

While Pocket Network at its core is a technical protocol for builders and developers, ultimately, with the token POKT, we need to be able to appeal to everyone. With Shannon launching this year, we now have permissionless gateways. This means that anyone will be able to build anything for any customer. Pocket Network gateways open up limitless possibilities for any builder..

Anyone should be able to build for the most hard core cypherpunks yet others be able to sell to fortune 500 companies. Pocket’s visual branding should reflect this inclusivity. We stayed away from the flavor of the month in the form of design trends and opted to go with something that we believe will stand the test of time.

We opted to keep the sharp edges around the “Pocket P” from the previous logo as the current color scheme is softer and more inclusive. These sharper edges around the “P” reflect the technical and cutting edge nature of the protocol itself, while surrounded with whites, blues and yellows to soften it up. We want to be able to have fun with the site – we will be updating the site with pleasing movement from the assets as you scroll through.

Overall, we want the branding to be balanced across multiple different vectors and cultures. With many more gateways set to launch this year on Pocket we went with something more neutral to allow for the creativity of others to flourish with what they are building on the network.

In addition, the shift reflects Pocket Network’s move outside of just supporting blockchain RPC. With the imminent Shannon launch and the tooling around it, we can now support many other use cases such as AI inference, storage protocols, privacy gateways, and much more. The shift to reflects this change, as we no longer need to be pigeonholed as supporting blockchain RPC.

Ultimately, brands aren’t built through just visual components but become an amalgamation of everything related to the network. Support, quality of service, community, the builders, our communication, and everything else. This is an exciting step forward for us given the major launches this year.

Expect to continue hearing much more from us.