As the Web3 ecosystem continues to evolve, we’re always looking for new ways to provide unparalleled access to decentralized infrastructure and multichain RPC service. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with GetBlock, one of the leading providers of blockchain RPC nodes. This partnership will be a win-win for both of our teams, as well as for the Web3 community as a whole.
GetBlock consistently provides high-quality, scalable blockchain nodes, and has earned the trust of many top-tier projects. GetBlock, launched in 2019, already connects users to 40+ blockchains, offering both shared and dedicated nodes in various packages. With their recent integration with MetaMask wallets for Web3 authorization, this partnership will bring another enhancement to their suite of products available for Web3 teams.
With this partnership, both the Pocket Network and GetBlock teams will be able to share insights and resources to further enhance Web infrastructure services, and offer even more access to multichain RPC endpoints for each of our clients. At the same time, GetBlock will have access to Pocket Network’s decentralized infrastructure and extensive network of node runners and supported blockchains, helping to expand GetBlock’s service across even more chains and boost their resiliency through decentralization.
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Making Web3 Access and Multichain RPC Service Unstoppable
One of Pocket Network’s core strengths is in the decentralization of our infrastructure, which allows us to provide reliable, high-performing, and cost-efficient multichain functionality. Our network of over 20,000 nodes around the world is what makes this possible. Now, through this partnership, GetBlock will be able to tap into that decentralized strength of Pocket and expand their own service across select chains.
Get Your Own Decentralized Endpoint
This collaboration will also allow the two teams to grow together and focus on developing new products and features for users. We’re particularly excited about the potential to expand our vision for unstoppable multichain access, and offer new and innovative solutions for the Web3 ecosystem as a whole. This partnership will give us the opportunity to work more closely with GetBlock to explore new ideas and develop tools and services that will benefit the wider Web3 community.
We’re pumped about kicking off this partnership with GetBlock, and we look forward to many new opportunities and insights as we work closely with their team. GetBlock is an innovator in the Web3 infrastructure space, and we’re honored to work with them to help decentralize Web3 access for their clients.
Stay tuned for more information in the future, as this partnership evolves!