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Our First POKT Network State of the Union

We started Pocket to build a global community – while we operate virtually and globally, creating in-person events is critical for moving Pocket forward. In May of this year, we held our first Infracon in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, where for the first time ever, we brought the global Pocket community together in one location for a 2-day event that was wholly focused around Pocket.

While this event showed us how much our community has grown since the launch of Mainnet in 2020, the vision for this event has always been to elevate and bring together all other middleware protocols. With that thought ever-present in our mind, we held our second Infracon event earlier this month in Bogota, Colombia, where we brought together luminaries from other middleware protocols to accomplish the following:

  • Elevate and educate the public on the middleware space and how all of us are solving the same problems, just in different ways
  • Show web3 developers how mature the stack of technology is they can build on

We believe these two events were incredibly successful and we will continue to host Infracon events moving forward.

That said, it is important to have a day dedicated to Pocket to celebrate all that’s going on around the ecosystem and have transparent, frank conversations about what we can do better. Therefore, we will be hosting our first Pocket State of the Union (SOTU), in Tampa, Florida tomorrow (November 17, 2022).

Due to this being our first SOTU, we’d like to keep the event as intimate and focused as possible. We’ll have some of our largest stakeholders and most active community members within Pocket attending. We’ll also be recording all content during the event and posting shortly afterwards for our broader community.

Cheers and look forward to sharing more in Tampa!

Michael O’Rourke
Pocket Network CEO