Powering Builders: Get to know PGA’s first cohort
At Pocket Network, we’re committed to supporting the next generation of innovators. That’s why we launched the Pocket Network Accelerator Program—a highly competitive initiative designed to help promising teams scale their projects with decentralized infrastructure.
From hundreds of applications, only six teams were selected for our first cohort! Each team is receiving $25,000 in funding alongside mentorship, technical support, and access to our ecosystem to fuel their growth.
In this series, we’ll introduce each of the participating teams, sharing their vision, challenges, and how they’re leveraging Pocket Network to push the boundaries of the new internet.
Next up: Reppo! 🚀
Who are the core members of your team, and what are their roles?
○ RG, Chief Gas Station Supervisor
○ Trevor Jacka, Head of Protocol
○ Rohan, Gas Station Designer
○ Harsh, Fuelling Architect
○ Daniel Gretzke, Senior Engineer
○ Sashika, Full Stack Engineer
How did your team come together?
Spun out of Protocol Labs; members met along the way.
Describe your project in one sentence.
Fueling Station for AI
What problem is your project solving? How did you identify this as something you wanted to solve?
Enabling permissionless coordination between data owners and AI builders. Identified through firsthand experience while scaling Filecoin.
What is your long-term vision for the project?
To be the best source for discovering, negotiating, and committing to specialized datasets and data pipelines.
What inspired you to build on Pocket Network?
Alignment with permissionless and decentralization values.
What stage is your project currently in (idea, prototype, MVP, production)?
Prototype (Reppo.exchange)
What is your biggest growth milestone for the next six months?
Solver Node Sale
How will success be measured at the end of this accelerator program?
Network actors adopting the permissionless RPC stack.
How does your project leverage Pocket Network’s infrastructure?
Building a gateway for permissionless communication on the decentralized data exchange (DataDEX).
What are your biggest technical challenges right now?
Enforcing IP co-ownership
What existing competitors or alternatives exist in your space?
How does your project differentiate itself from competitors?
Demand-led approach to data discovery.
What kind of support or mentorship would be most valuable to your team?
Feedback on the project and advice on leveraging Pocket Network by exchanges.
How can the Pocket community support you?
Sharing and Following on X: https://x.com/repponetwork
If funding/manpower was a non factor, what features would you like to add to your
A compute layer within the data exchange if funding and manpower were unlimited.
If your team had to be represented by a fictional character, who would it be and
Reppodant (Reppodant.xyz)
Where can people connect with the Reppo team?
X Profile